Mutokukai is structured as an organism that is non-bureaucratic, decentralized and organized as a network for exchange between Martial Arts practitioners. Each national branch organization possesses a complete administrative autonomy so that it can deal freely with the conditions and particularities according to its own local situation. (For example, it is obvious that the administrative questions in France concern in particular french people). The technical direction of Mutokukai is assured by a ‘technical committee’ co-opted by the founders. Since we do not wish to be a federation, nor to become one, we reserve the right to select all of our members who may be in the form of a dojo, a group of dojo(s) or individual members. The fact of being a member of Mutokukai does not, in any way whatsoever, exclude participation within other organizations be they federal or other.
Mutokukai is apolitical and has no intention of being involved or in competition with federations. Federations everywhere are administrative organizations with the responsibility of organizing sports practice and the representation of sports practitioners within the ministry of sports or the equivalent (Olympic Committee etc.) In France these organisms receive a delegation (recognition) from the ministry in order to organize exams for national grading and/or national teaching diplomas. It is not our intention to be involved in these processes. Mutokukai considers that sports activities (the framework, the spirit & objectives) have no place within the practice of Aikido or other traditional Budo. Mutokukai simply does not consider that the practice of Aikido (though based on physical activity) can, in any way, be considered “sport activity”. We promote ‘traditional practice’ based on the teachings passed on by Tamura Nobuyoshi Shihan and numerous other teachers with similar outlooks (all students of the founder of Aikido) who have deliberately avoided ministries of sports and rightly preserved the spiritual and the cultural elements in Budo. We wish to leave ‘sport’ in its place as sport.
We have opened a main dojo in Arenys de Munt to the north of Barcelona (Catalonia) in Spain. The dojo itself has 200 m2 of tatami and a reception area for the practitioners.
Yamada Yoshimitsu Shihan is the technical advisor and Malcolm Tiki Shewan Shihan and Stéphane Benedetti Shihan are the founders and technical directors.
Mutoku, Selflessness.
The Heart Sutra (Hannya Shingyô) puts forth the very essence of buddhist teaching and the activity of the bodhisattva (an awakened being). One of the virtues of a bodhisattva is that the desire for personal gain (得) or acquiring for oneself, is absent (無). Wisdom and compassion are not means for acquiring awakening but rather are part of the Buddha-Nature. Thus it is this ‘selflessness’ (無得 – mu-toku) that makes the bodhisattva an awakened being. In this same manner, the practice of Aikido cannot justify itself through the desire for grades and titles – this only strengthens a state of ‘attachement’ of the individual and is contrary to the self-developing nature of ‘free spirit’ in Aikido. The most important thing is ‘selfless’ practice – this will bring true freedom.