Shingitai Dojo

Monday: 18:00-20:30
Wednesday: 18:00-20:30
Friday: 18:00-20:30

What is aikido?

Aikido is a gendai budo – a modern Japanese martial arts. People who train aikido are usually known as aikidoka. Aikido was conceived by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) (known among aikidoka as O-Sensei) during the period from 1930s to 1960s. Aikido also possesses a significant spiritual component.

Technically speaking, aikido includes different throwing and immobilization techniques. The technique is applied by redirecting the force of the attacker or turning it into an empty space, so that the attacker loses its balance and cannot use its strength effectively.

The principles of Aikido are taught through demonstrations and explanations. It is the responsibility of each student to realize these principles in practice and in cooperation with a partner.

Movements in Aikido are performed spontaneously and depending on the situation. Attitude (Shisei) is very important to do it successfully. Aikido includes etiquette exercises (reishiki) and those of spiritual cleansing (misogi). At the same time, attention and perception are developed. For this purpose, the practice in the group is very important.

The purpose of aikido is not to form a strong and aggressive (athlete?) fighter. If this restrictive goal were to be put at the forefront, it would lead to a wrong exercise where important aspects would be completely lost.

Aikido is not about conveying and adopting abstract concepts, but about knowing one’s own feelings, work and experience.

Pure Budo comes from the unification of technique, body and heart. Budo, which will form this way, depends not on technique, but on the heart of the practitioner. The goal of aikido is the goodness of the heart expressed through this spirit in martial arts.